C Program To Draw A Line In Dev C++


C Program To Draw A Line In Dev C Download

I'm trying to use 'graphics.h' just for learning purpose. I'm trying to draw a line but 'Code Block 13.12' gives this error
'drawing operation was attempted when there was no current window'
Code I'm using:
int main()
return 0;
As Code Block by default doesn't have 'graphics.h'. So, I followed One tutorial tom setup graphics.h in Code Block which has the following steps.
1. Download 'WinBGIm_Library6_0_Nov2005.rar' from http://winbgim.codecutter.org/
2. After extraction put 'graphics.h' & 'winbgim.h' in 'C:Program FilesCodeBlocksMinGWinclude' folder
3. 'libbgi.a' in 'C:Program FilesCodeBlocksMinGWlib' folder
4. Setting -> Compiler -> Global compiler setting
5.under 'Link Libraries' section add
'C:Program FilesCodeBlocksMinGWinclude'
6. under 'Other linker options' section add
-lbgi -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 -luuid -loleaut32 -lole32
7. Open 'graphics.h' from 'C:Program FilesCodeBlocksMinGWinclude' in notepad and jump to line 302 and edit it to
int left=0, int top=0, int right=INT_MAX, int bottom=INT_MAX,
Please tell whats the problem

Draw A Line Game Online

Qt provides cross-platform drawing libraries that will work on any of Linux, Windows or Mac. EDIT: Direct2D is another C option for Windows. It's fully hardware accelerated too which is cool. As for drawing on a fullscreen window, it's no different than drawing in a regular window. Jan 10, 2018 13.4 – Drawing basic shapes – Turbo C by subbu on January 10, 2018 Here in this session we are going to draw some basic shapes like horizontal line, vertical line, rectangle and splitting rectangle etc. 1979 was a critical milestone in the evolution of video games because it brought us Asteroids, which is one of the most enduring games ever. Created by Atari, Asteroids was one of the first vector graphics games, which means that it relied solely on lines to draw graphics, as opposed to little square pixels.